[MoIA] Introducting the MM Project [dMoM]

Day 2,151, 22:21 Published in India India by GouthamKrishnan

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER WEBSITE : http://themoment.co.nr/

Hello mighty eIndians,

Media, the field which made me addicted to eRepublik. eIndian Media, a place which becomes suddenly ultra active and suddenly goes dead, somewhat like my activity in eRepublik. So what do I eWish?. I eWish to see Indian Media to become very big with most of the eIndians playing some role in it.

To make a person active in media, he may need someone to give him some boost or some advises or some rewards or some appreciation or some ideas but I want to give all of them to him from the Ministry of Media and IA. And hereby, I introduce the Media Missions Project(MM Project) to increase the activity of eIndians in Media Field. I don't care whether it ends up in Success or Failure because I feel happy that I try. The success or failure of it rests upon you and on your participation in it.

:::::::::::::: MEDIA MISSIONS PROJECT ::::::::::::::

This project is to have missions just like the eRepublik Missions. A person can complete the mission and will be rewarded asap. A person has to first enroll himself into the project and he start completing the missions. Due to lack of resources for rewards, certain missions will have limitations for some days like some missions will not be applicable or open for old players.

The rewards and missions are not decided yet and will be decided soon consulting the other members of the department. The Project will be officially started soon as soon as the necessary works are done. If this project is successful, missions from all the parts of the game like fighting, working, etc will be added including the media missions.

Some of the missions are provided as pictures below.

:::::::::::::: MM Project Team ::::::::::::::

This kind of projects cannot be managed by a single person and so I would like to invite any members to join the Team and help out in managing it.

If you like to be part of the Team, just message me in-game or in IRC or by filling the form in the link http://sdrv.ms/17j0jXH

:::::::::::::: MM Project Suggestion Box ::::::::::::::

If you have any ideas or suggestions to make this project more interesting and fun, you can submit it below. Even you can submit new missions ideas and it will be added to the missions list if its good.

Suggestion Box Form : http://sdrv.ms/19s4BzZ

:::::::::::::: MM Project Contribution ::::::::::::::

To make this project big, it needs as many as contributions. The rewards depends on the resources allocated and provided to this project. So I request you to contribute what you can to this project and you can be happy and proud to be part of a project which is trying to develop eIndian Media.

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