[MoFA] Asia Agreement: Indonesia & China

Day 2,293, 03:34 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by MoFA Republic Of eIndonesia

Hidup tiada mungkin tanpa perjuangan, tanpa pengorbanan, mulia adanya.
Berpegangan tangan dalam satu cita, demi masa depan...Indonesia Jaya

Indonesia Jaya - Harvey Malaiholo

Salam perjuangan bagi rekan-rekan sebangsa dan setanah air.

Seperti yang telah diketahui bahwa Indonesia dan China telah sepakat untuk menjalin kerjasama lewat MPP. Dengan demikian Indonesia dan China juga telah menyetujui sebuah perjanjian baru diantara kedua Negara. Adapun isi dari perjanjian antara Indonesia dan China terlampir di bawah.

Asia Agreement

With this agreement, both eChina (EC) and eIndonesia (ID) agree on signing a Asia Agreement.

Both countries:

1. Agree on signing Mutual Protection Pact (MPP) with each other, and there will be no Natural Enemy (NE) nor Declaration of War (DoW) proposed between each other.

2. Make sure that there will be no third mention country one pass each other borders. Even if it’s just for setting up their base to attack other countries.

3. Will not support any resistance war or any kind activities towards one another.

The initial term of this Agreement is 33 days starting from the Effective Date (1) of the signing of MPP between both countries. If either eChina or eIndonesia want to renegotiate this agreement a notice must be sent and both parties will cooperate for an agreeable solution after which this agreement can be modified by mutual consent.

Day 2,288 eRepublik Time

Signed by :
Country President of China


Country President of Indonesia



(1) MPP

"Bhinneka Tunggal Ika"

MoFA of eIndonesia