[MOE]It sure is inactive around here

Day 2,182, 16:28 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

It is me again. This time as the new Minister of Education of eMalaysia. Now this might come as kind of surprise to some people. Some of you might be thinking: "Hey weren't you literally just the MoFA?" Well the answer to that is yes. I was MoFA for exactly two days. Unfortunately the Country President and I had a falling out over various personal issues one of these being the true meaning of love and he removed me as the MoFA.

And so ended my time as a part of the Presidential Cabinet. However, There being very very very few people who actually wanted to participate in the government this term the CP decided to move me over to the MoE. Now some of you might be thinking this is a demotion. But there is no other Ministry in the Government where you can write a random article about whatever you want, slap a government label on it; in this case [MOE]; and pass it off as a government article. That kind of power is just plain neat.

As my first act as Minister of Education I want to state that I will do everything in my power to ensure that all articles posted by the MoE this term have as little educational value as possible. It is my belief that if we make the MoE more "Hip" and "Happening" and down with the uneducated new players that it will put the cool back in "Ministry of Education"

Some of you might be thinking: "But we need education, why aren't you educating?" While educating is still very important we just feel that it isn't THAT important. There is a very simple answer to why that is.

This isn't to say that there will be absolutely no education in any of the articles. There just will be very little education; and The education that is there just will not be the Greatest in all of eMalaysia.

Reflect on this and prepare for the new MoE.

Minister of Education: