[MoD] Day 2,266 - Nordjylland/Germany [Tanks4Danes]

Day 2,266, 06:55 Published in Denmark Denmark by n0s3

hey Germark,

same game as yesterday, because it has worked out so well and without any problems:

Germany just launched their attack on Nordjylland and is supposed to win that campaign. However, Danes can fight for Denmark if the wall is in favor of Germany. If Denmark is currently leading, please refrain from hitting until the situation looks better. 😛

Tanks for Danes is active once again. Hopefully, this campaign will work out just as well as the previous one. ^___^

Day 2,266
Nordjylland - you can fight for Denmark to gather some TP and MU/regiment damage. If it looks bad for Germany, please hold fire as long as necessary.

As everything in the previous campaign worked out so well, T4D is yet again active for Nordjylland - if you got Danish citizenship and comment below this article, you'll receive 10 Q7 tanks to fight in Nordjylland.

So long! ~\o

PS: Thanks to everyone who gifted their ice tea to MC^. ♥