[MoD] Day 2,265 - Sjaelland/Germany [Tanks4Danes]

Day 2,265, 07:01 Published in Denmark Denmark by n0s3

hey Germark,

as announced yesterday, Germany is attacking us.

A few minutes ago, EternalWalk - German CP - launched the attack on Sjaelland. Purpose of this and the next battles until we're wiped is to gather some damage for both tournament and TP medals.

It is okay to fight for Denmark in those battles (else the battles would be quite pointless for us 😛), however please watch the wall - we're not supposed to win those campaigns, so if it looks rather bad for Germany, please hold fire until it looks better.

Day 2,265
Sjaelland - you can fight for Denmark to gather some TP and MU/regiment damage. If it looks bad for Germany, please hold fire as long as necessary.

Since Tanks4Danes hasn't been active in quite a while and we don't want anyone to miss out on all the fun, T4D is active for Sjaelland - if you got Danish citizenship and comment below this article, you'll receive 10 Q7 tanks to fight in Sjaelland.

So long! ~\o

PS: If anyone of you got some ice tea (preferably peach), please send it MC^'s way. Thanks. :d