[Last Line of Defense] Official Press Release

Day 2,189, 22:26 Published in India India by Bharmal

Party men, Friends and Countrymen,

As the Spokesman of Last Line of Defense Party (formerly known as ICP or IU), I am glad to let the members know the developments within the party.

Allow me to Congratulate and Welcome our New Party President ShockWavve.

Change in Party Name

Our PP chose to rename our party to Last Line of Defense as we believe that most of the active players are from our party and we are the last line of defense that eIndia has.

Development of Members

Our Party will focus on training of newbies. So, all the newbies (willingly called noobs), who want active help and assistance in the game should join Last Line of Defense Party. All the Seniors who wish to contribute in development of noobs should also join our party. By help we do not mean regular food and weapon supplies (as we consider that a bribe for supporting a Political Party). Our members are renowned for assisting and guiding noobs in the game.

Internal Discussions

The PP will soon open a discussion thread for the party members. All party members can discuss whatever issue that they are concerned with and ask for guidance from any of the seniors in the party.

National Policy

eIndia is currently under occupation and our repeated attempts to drive off these occupiers has gone in vain. We need a concerted effort to drive these oppressors out from our motherland. Our party unitedly supports all the effort required to achieve this target. We as a party do think that negotiating a deal with the oppressors is not worth as we might face the same kind of treatment as we have in the past. We need to form a different outlook for regaining our lost lands. We have confidence in our current CP and his government. May we be able to free our lands from the oppressors soon.

The views expressed in this article are the views of the party as a whole. .

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Last Line of Defense Party