[Kathee4P] Open Letter to Mr. Glove

Day 1,743, 05:24 Published in USA USA by Kathee93

Dear Mr. President!

I know you take this game much more seriously than me. I guess you spend 16+ hours a day on eRepublik, on various foums and irc channels, negotiating the future of our nation.

I play for the lulz and fun. Come here to work, train, fight, and write a daily stupid article with a random pony picture...

That's all.

Still... i wanna have some fun. I wanna be POTUS for a day or two. So how could you help me?

Please, change citizenship for a day or two in the early days of September... If it happens, i will write an open letter to the congress for an impeachment against the current president, and will welcome you back to the Nationalist Ponies' United States of America!

I think it would be awesome, wouldn't it?