[Junior Journalist] Reality, Dream or Illusion ?

Day 2,472, 03:34 Published in Serbia Serbia by zedkar

Hello 😃

Since there is a mission about writing and comments, I don't want to "just ask" for comments. I will also write something, I hope you like it 😁

What we experience is filtered, what we see is exactly what our brain tells us. What our brain tells us is based upon the information received from our sense organs (eyes, ears ...).

So, what we see it is just something based upon the (narrow spectrum of, but not all of) electromagnetic waves hitting my eyes, that my eyes are adapted to relay to my brain. If we just notice or think our eye is a little "ball" so if we look thru the middle we see one thing but if we look on the "edge" the image is not the same, beside that where the optic nerve connects to the eye, there is a "blank" spot. So ... is what we see real ?

There was a question: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it does it make a sound ?

We all tend to say yes! but the answer is no. We always think we are there but we create the world and the eyes help us.

With enough concentration, you can alter your perception of anything, you can make foreground objects seems to be in the background, you can make proportions variable and so on.

Our old perception was a flat earth with the sun and stars going round it. It is not a wrong perception. The earth is approximately flat at visible distance and with reference to earth everything else is moving in circles. At the first layer of perception, it is true. Our mind is not lying here.

If you go up on a rocket, at some distance the earth will appear round and rotating about an axis. This perception is right again from that distance.
As you go further up the perception changes again to a solar system and Milky Way and so on and so forth. At each level, our perception is true.

Does it mean all the other perceptions were wrong? At each level there are different realities; all right ones.

Don't forget "You can trick yourself into believing anything 😃"

Thanks for reading 😃