[ilphen] Presidential Candidate for August!

Day 2,077, 14:08 Published in Denmark Germany by ilphen

Good evening fellow Danes,

tonight I would like to announce that I will run for president in august. Since I came here three months ago I have learnt to like the Danish community even more and want to thank everyone for including me so nicely. I have no doubt that community-wise this is one of the best countries in eRepublik. We are a small group, I know that of course, but still every single one of us works together so well, there is hardly any fighting. This country is a very good example of teamwork and I am proud to be a part of it.

Pho3nix wrote quite a good article a few days ago and I happen to agree a lot on what he said, especially the part about having Denmark on the map in order to have a basis where new players can grow on. There is no denying that we are in a difficult situation with all the PTO people swarming our country every now and then.

This is also part of my program for my presidency, not only do I want to have congress elections again but we have spoken about reducing the amount of parties, sadly nothing has happened yet. In my opinion, especially with the new kids in town, it is of utmost importance that we reduce the parties as soon as possible, preferably before the next party president elections. This is the only way we can gather and combine our strength to rid us of those troublemakers.

Besides that I would like to see Denmark have a more active role in combat. Obviously we have our Resistance Wars every now and then but that’s basically it. We do have the funds to cover probably 10 or more airstrikes easily. I have proposed it on the forum and you guys seemed to like the idea. Obviously, I am not going to just run wild and declare war on the next best nation I can find, this is something that needs a lot of planning and support from friendly nations. But it is the best and safest way to have some fun without risking our country. I also really like the idea of having a Danish colony. There are not many countries left that have the capability to do airstrikes, because the costs are calculated by the amount of citizens in the country plus its’ allies. We currently have no Mutual Protection Pacts, so for us its only our own citizen that count. So, Denmark is kind of in a comfortable situation, if such a thing exists on eRepublik.

I have not yet approached people to form a cabinet, because I would like to see some people step up that are willing to help. I have created a google form where you can fill out a small application and I will contact everyone very soon. Not every position is up for choice though. The Ministries of finances, labour and the vice president will be chosen by me.
But! I will be needing someone who is willing to translate my articles into Danish, since I want to release them in both English and Danish.

I have also created a thread on the forum, where you can ask me, as presidential candidate, anything you want. (There might be cake! 😛)

So long,
