[ESO] - Why Join The ESO Party?

Day 1,674, 15:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by BigAnt
[ESO] - Why Join The ESO Party?

Firstly, If you join ESO you will gain special powars! Justsaying

See! Moving on, ESO - Why us? Who are we? What do we stand for? all will be answered in this article.


The congress elections are fast approaching and every player running for congress will be after your vote, and your trust, therefore it is crucial that you pick the right candidates for a better eUK both for the present and for the future. I hope you will help support ESO once again.

We here at ESO believe that this needs to be changed, for too long have we all had to suffer from this division and confrontation that has infected the eUK. We truly believe that we can help to build a better tomorrow for the eUK by working closer with other parties, and avoid the bitter arguments that politics can create in eRepublik.

ESO offers a huge diversity of ideas, unity, and active members which is what the eUK as a whole needs right now, and is crucial to the future well being of the country. ESO is campaigning for a better future, for all of our members but most of all for the eUK, we want every single citizen to have an environment where they can be the best that they can be and can live up to their potential. This involves letting new members run for congress, having crucial roles within the party, and having many chances that wouldn’t happen within other parties currently.

ESO is home to many players new to the game and also one to some of the older players of the eUK, in order to give a better idea of what the ESO experience can be like we have selected a few quotes to illustrate and share their opinion of ESO in this article:

Sanic Said - 'Me, Why should ppl join ESO?' His reply.. "hmm, why not all other parties suck"

NWG Said - "Theres only one place where you can learn as a group while having fun at the same time, to be supported by the party its what makes ESO great"

Jamesw Said - “ESO is constantly surprising, hilariously trivial, hugely helpful, all encompassing mad house of kevin-the-goat enthusiasts who will do anything, everything and then anything once more, to ensure people are happy, integrated and most of all, entertained.”

So why us?
In simple, we are epic 😃, enjoy some more GIFs - Join ESO Today!

HE JUST JOINED ESO, Look how happy he is!

Don't join anyone else, and FAIL - like he did xD

ESO Party President & eUK vCP