[eShqiperia MoEd] Informim - Informations (SQ/EN)

Day 2,589, 12:21 Published in Albania Greece by Kravenn

Përkthimi u mundësua nga: Shmuel97

Pershendetje te dashur qytetare,

Sot,artikulli im do te jete per ndryshimet e fundit ne Erepublik.
Une nuk dua te flas per ndryshimin ne profilin e llogarise sepse eshte kryesisht kozmetik.Artikulli im do te jete per:
-Gjigandet akull,cokollatat dimerore.
-Bombat e pushimit.
-Sugar Rush(Goditje Sheqeri).
-Ndryshimet ne medalje.

1-Gjigandet akulli,cokollatat dimerore dhe bombat e pushimit.

Nga dita 2586 e deri tek 2596 do te jene bombat e pushimit ne beteja.
Ato shfaqen cdo kohe pasi te keni mundur 25 armiqe ne beteje.

Ti i mposht ata sikur ti mund nje kundershtar ose armik te zakonshem.Per cdo vrasje te tyre,ju do te perfitoni 1 cokollate dimerore te cilat do ti klikoni tek paneli i javes se sfidimit tek faqja kryesore.

Perpara se te klikoj cokollatat e dimrit

Duke i klikuar

Nje cokollate dimri do t’iu jape juve 50 energji per r’i mbushur dhe ato duhen te perdoren patjeter perpara dites 2603.Cokollatat prej dimri mund te perdoren pasi ju te keni energji per t’u rimbushur dhe perpara cokollatave te fuqise.

2-Bombat e pushimit

Cdo kohe qe ju mposhtni 250 armiq ne nje beteje,ju do te perfitoni nje bombe pushimi.Pamja e tyre eshte i ngjashem me bombat e medhaja por demi i tyre eshte i ndryshem.

Ty nuk te nevojitet ti klikosh tek paneli i javes se sfidimit por ju do te njoftoheni me nje njoftim qe ju perfituat nje bombe pushimi dhe qe ju duhet ta perdorni brenda 10 ditesh.

Te leshoni nje bombe pushimi : Eshte shume e thjesht sepse eshte sikur te leshoni nje rakete ose nje bombe te vogel.

Shembull:Nese ju perfitoni nje bombe pushimi ne diten 2587,bomba do te zhduket ne daten 2597.Nese ju perfitoni nje bomte tjeter ne diten 2590,te dyja bombat do te zhduken ne diten 2600.

3-Sugar Rush(Goditje Sheqeri)

Nese ju jeni te afte te konsumoni 75% te maksimumit te energjise tuaj te rikuperueshme: ju do te perfitoni +10 energji te rinovueshme ne diten tjeter.

Atehere,ju mund te shikoni tek progresi aktual kur ju vendosni (kursor) ne ‘’energji te rinovueshme’’.
Mbaje mend se nese e arrini kete qellim: Bonusi do te jete ne diten tjeter.Nese ju jeni te paafte qe ta arrini kete objektiv gjate diten tjeter,ju do ta humbisni bonusin.

4-Ndryshimet ne medalje

Duke filluar qe nga data 2610(12 janar 2015),medaljet e mercenarit,patriotit te vertet dhe luftetar i lirise nuk do te kene 5 gold(ar) por 1000cc(para).

Sipas administratorve,kjo gje do te ndihmoje lojtaret e rinj sepse t’i japesh 5 gold(ar) nuk do t’i ndihmoje.

Sipas meje,ky ndryshim nuk eshte i mire per ju(ska rendesni nese jeni i ri apo jo).Qekur administratoret vendosen ta zbatonin kete ndryshim,cmimi i arit filloi te binte.

Perpara se ta zbatonin kete ndryshim 1G = 200cc (1000cc = 5G)
24 ore me vone 1G = 220cc (1000cc = 4.55G)
Tani : 1G = 215cc (1000cc = 4.65G)

Mbani mend dicka: Ndryshimi nuk eshte akoma i dukshem.

Opinioni Im : Keto ndryshime nuk do t’i ndihmojne lojtaret e rinj sepse neqoftese keto medalje jane me te thjeshta te arrihen se sa nje medalje Presidenti ose nje Medalje Beteje: ato jane te nevojshme per lojtaret e vjeter dhe paska te rinj.Ato i ndihmojne te ngrejne qendrat e tyre te trajnimit ose fabrikat e tyre.Eshte edhe shume e rendesishme te ndertosh fabrika(kompani te lendes se pare ne cco se para nuk keshillohen).
Te jepni CC ose PARA ne vend te arit do te vonoje mundesite e tyre qe te rrisin token e tyre.

Shihemi Se Shpejti,
MoE i eShqiperise

Hello my dear albanian citizens,

Today, my article will be about recent changes on Erepublik.
I won’t talk about changes on the profile page because it is mainly cosmetic. My article will be about
- Ice giants, winter treats
- Holiday bombs
- Sugar rush
- Changes on medals

1- Ice giants, winter treats and Holiday bombs

From day 2586 to day 2596 : there will be ice giants on the battlefield.
They appear each time you defeat 25 enemies on the battlefield

You defeat them like you defeat a “common” opponent. Once they are defeated, you will receive a winter treat which can be collected from the weekly challenge panel (on main page)

Before I collect my winter treat

Collecting it

A winter treat will give you 50 energy to recover and they must be used before day 2603. Winter treats can be used after you have energy to recover by food and before using energy bars

2- Holiday bombs

Each time you defeat 250 enemies on the battlefield, you receive an holiday bomb. Their design is similar to big bomb but their damages are different.

You don’t need to collect it on the weekly challenge panel, you just receive an alert that you gained one and you must use it on the next 10 days.

To launch a holiday bomb : It’s quite simple because it is like launching a rocket or a small bomb.

PS : If you receive a Holiday bomb on day 2587, it will expire on day 2597. If you receive a second one on day 2590, both will expire on day 2600.

3- Sugar rush

If you are able to consume 75% of your maximum recoverable energy : you will gain a +10 health recover on the next day.

Well, you can see your current progress when you put your cursor on “recover energy”
Keep in mind that if you achieve the goal : Bonus will be only for the following day. If you are unable to achieve the goal on the next day : you lose that bonus.

4- Changes on medals

Beginning on day 2610 (January 12th), Mercenary, True Patriot and Freedom fighter medals won’t be rewarded by 5G but by 1000cc

Following admins, it will be to help new players because giving them 5G for these medals isn’t good for their progress.

Whatever you can think : this change won’t be good for you (whatever if you are young or not). Since admins decided to announce that change. Gold rate began to drop

Before they announce the change : 1G = 200cc (1000cc = 5G)
24H later : 1G = 220cc (1000cc = 4.55G)
Now : 1G = 215cc (1000cc = 4.65G)

Keep in mind : the change isn’t yet effective. So maybe a sad ending there.

My opinion : it won’t help new players because if these medals are easier to gain than a CP one (or a Campaign hero) : they are useful for young players (and also older ones). They help them to upgrade their training grounds or their companies. It also very useful to build companies (Raw companies in cc aren’t a good choice).
Giving CC instead of gold will only delay their possibilities to grow their land

See ya,
eShqiperia MoEd