[eNi-Gov] Discovery: Nigeria

Day 2,426, 05:36 Published in Nigeria Nigeria by Nigerian National Bank

Hey eNigeria and eWorld,

So, we all went there for our own reasons and now we're staying trying to do our best to honor the real Nigeria, but did someone already try to inform himself/herself about the real Nigeria ? I, myself, honestly didn't do much. I then thought it would be a good idea to write an article for all of you and the eWorld to discover the real Nigeria altogether. Note, I tried to make it the shortest possible and including the most interesting things avoiding talking about the conflict and mess runing into this country.

Let's start, Nigeria is a country in the west of Africa Under a federal republic politic regime. It has 177 millions of inhabitant and is the most populated country in Africa as well as it is the 7th most populated country in the world. The official language of Nigeria, English, was chosen to facilitate the cultural and linguistic unity of the country and also because of the scares left from British colonization in 1860. There is about 520 different language spoken and most of them are african languages.

Here's a map of its regions and capital cities of each regions:

The current chief of state and government is named Goodluck Jonahatan and the country is facing conflicts between religions settled up on its territory. Let's skip the faws part, it's not what we want to look at anyway because there's some... dictature things going on, despite its vast government revenue from the mining of petroleum, Nigeria is faced by a number of societal issues due primarily to a history of inefficiency in its governance.

Let's rather look at the geographical situation the country is located in the Guinean Gulf and has a total area of 923,768 km2. The highest point in Nigeria is Chappal Waddi at 2,419 m:

The main rivers are the Niger and the Benue:

Nigeria has a varied landscape. The far south is defined by its tropical rainforest climate, in the southeast stands the Obudu Plateau:

The capital of Nigeria is Abuja and is located in the center of Nigeria:

Concerning its culture, Nigeria has had a huge role in the development of various genres of African music, including West African Highlife, Afrobeat, and Palm Wine music, which fuses native rhythms with techniques that have been linked to the Congo, Brazil, Cuba, Jamaica and worldwide:



The Nigerian film industry is known as Nollywood and is now the second-largest producer of movies in the world . Many Nigerian film studios are based in Lagos and Enugu, forming a major portion of the local economy of these cities. Nigerian cinema is Africa's largest movie industry in terms of both value and the number of movies produced per year.


Regarding sports, Football is largely considered one of Nigeria's national sports and the country has its own Premier League of football. Nigeria's national football team, known as the "Super Eagles", has made the World Cup on five occasions 1994, 1998, 2002, 2010 and most recently in 2014:


Here we are for now, I hope you enjoyed the discovery of real Nigeria, it was interesting for me to get to know the country I'm running here. Let's not end on these words, here's some more picture for you to enjoy:


PS: It was hard to find proper pictures with good dimensions, you can try to look for more on your own but please, be aware, all sensitive souls should be cautious because during my research time I've seen pictures from civil wars, dead people, military battlefields, tortures and stuff. Just be cautious, enjoy.