[eNi-Gov] A Strong Nigeria + updates

Day 2,429, 03:42 Published in Nigeria Nigeria by Nigerian National Bank

Hi eNigeria,

Here we are for another update article and I'll start with the previous tournament matter. I thank everyone of you that fought during that last week and helped the whole community reaching a goal that was really high. We surpassed ourselves with a total of damages of 20,304,737,333.

That amount of damages just have shown one thing, we are currently the strongest country of the 4 new one added about 2 months ago ! The 2nd is Cuba, then Georgia and the last is Armenia, I'm proud to be leading you eNigerians and that even re-enforce my will to keep working for you all.

Regarding the rewards, we've won 500 Golds that went straight to the country treasury. It'll be very helpful for us that can't gather enough money daily with the taxes to cover the expenses.

Thank you all again for your cooperation and I am sure we'll do even better next time !


Let's talk about eNigeria now, some days ago we've had a MPP which undergone a tough voting process. The conclusion is that we are allied to Chile. To my eyes it's a good thing, they are strong and helpful. When we are going to engage offensives through RW or direct battles, they surely will be there to give us a hand. This is the way we build relations and make friends.

New about the Cyrpus MPP, unfortunately we can't have a MPP with Cyrpus right now even though both of our countries agree because Cyprus is having a NAP with Greece that gives them some obligations, maybe later.

Talking about Greece, I've been, on and on, trying to reach the new CP via a PM and it seems either I'm ignored or I don't know because I get absolutely no answer. And to me, no answer is still an answer, I'll wait a bit more and write again but I personaly hate ignorance and lack of respect.

Recently, I've opened a thread to talk about eNigerian economy with the congressmen and I am proposing to issue some of the Golds we've won with the tournament to refill the country CC's account, it's needed. That's why, as said in the thread, I personaly injects funds from my Pocket into the country's treasury with the mean I have. Anybody willing to help and do so as well is welcomed.


What's next ? Today is the day of Party President elections, next elections are the congress ones, it's important that I fix the issue with the forum before. That's why we're going to have a new forum soon since Nelkosan simply disappeared. A Forum is needed to get in touch with each others and talk about matters that concerns only our country and that we don't want to make public. It's also a place where we can all have fun no matter whether it's about eRepublik or any off-topics.

Military speaking, we're standing by, helping our allies, K1tho is doing an awesome job as a MoD, he uppdates Military Orders on IRC for those using it, on the forum and we also opened a mass PM with the main Commanders having a MU in Nigeria where he also gets in touch with them and gives them the Military Orders adviced by the government. We wait for a new chance to free ourselves. It seems, that even with the help of friends or known people, our occupiers do not want to hear anything, I'm sorry for that but let's not be taken down and let's wait for our chance, patience is the key revenge is a cold meal.


What has been on in the press lately ?

I recall the previous article I did where you can discover what and how the real Nigeria is like:

Also, you can find a short story from war3greek about one of his war victory in the Guerrilla Fight mode that you can read here:


I remind all of you about the Nigerian Saturday Party on this Saturday 19th of July, it will start at 12h ERT (21h GMT +1), I hope this time more people will join the party so we can get to know each others better !

Done for today, if anything important happens, you'll be noticed, I hope you appreciate my work so far, I am opened to feedbacks and suggestions/propositions. I wish you all a good day and to have fun in eNigeria!

Don't forget the Nigerian IRC channel #eNigeria where you can be in touch with us:


PS: I am still looking for an experienced Minister of Education, anyone skilled for that Minister, please contact me.