[EBI] Facts for that day 1665

Day 1,665, 08:28 Published in India India by GouthamKrishnan

Lets have some cool and funny facts for the day .

1.Music can be so powerful it can affect your mood, brainwaves, and even your heartbeat! It turns out that when we listen to music our body reacts to the sounds we hear. If a person listens to rock or techno, their heartbeat will involuntarily speed up. The opposite is true if someone listens to more calming or instrumental music. Music is so influential it can alter your heartbeat, pulse rate, blood pressure, decrease your muscle tension, and even affect your body movement and coordination!

2.There is a bridge in Scotland called Overtoun Bridge famous for dog suicides..!! Studies have shown that since the 1950s or 1960s numerous dogs have leaped from the bridge at the rate of about one dog a month.

Dogs leap over the bridge parapet fall 50 feet (15 m) below. Some dogs that survived this drop, and were then taken back to the bridge, have also jumped again. The only linking factors for this unexplained event is that dogs mostly jump from the same side of the bridge, in clear weather, and they are breeds with long snouts.

3.Cats’ front paws have five toes and their back paws have four.

Ancient Egyptians used to worship some cats and mummify them after death.

Cats cannot taste sugar as their taste buds are not capable of detecting Sugar.
Cats need only one sixth of the light level required for human vision, to see.

Adolf Hitler hated cats. Former US President Abraham Lincoln was a cat lover and he kept 4 cats in the white house.

Cats can hear ultra sonic sounds. Rodents used to communicate with each other using these sounds and cats can hear them. Dogs and Humans are not capable of this.