《e小馬華報 頭條》 e澳大利亞的悲劇

Day 1,899, 02:45 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by hankofficer

《e小馬華報 頭條》e澳大利亞的悲劇

* 新手小資訊
v數: 指的是報紙左上的Vote數目,留言時記得依數字填寫以免有糾紛。
s數: 指的是報紙右上的Subscribe(訂閱)數目。
NE: Natural Enemy 直譯「天敵」,實際上比較像是「世仇」
CP: Country President 「總統」不解釋
PTO: Political take over 「政權侵佔」,由非真實該國人民所統治的政權。現在的日本跟朝鮮都是被PTO狀態。

也歡迎大家加我好友喔!Friendship is Magic!


圖源 http://mickeymonster.deviantart.com/art/Abandon-All-Hope-280890073

報 1:http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mr-crumpets-4-cp-a-long-dark-road-is-ahead-for-eaustralia-2203431/1/20

報 2: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/usa-insults-australia-its-most-trusted-friend-gets-shafted-2202807/1/20



《小馬主板》(劇透)第三季結局: 紫悅的成就
Equestria Daily: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/01/ia-ia-twilight-fhtagn.html

此消息傳出馬上造成了小馬民的轟動討論,大部分的小馬民們都持著較樂觀的心態,因為他們相信編劇M.A. Larson,他曾寫過 彩虹音爆 跟 重返和諧 兩個知名劇本,而這次最後一集的編劇正是由他所操刀,另外小馬民們也認為紫悅經歷過數個挑戰,成為公主也是應得的;另外較悲觀的小馬民認為這會破壞掉整個小馬6主角的主線,造成對另外五個小馬的不公平不公正的待遇,使得劇情被迫脫離「友情」的主軸。雙方各有其觀點。



本號音樂:My Little Pony - Love Is In Bloom (JayB's Alicorn Trance Remix)

1. e台灣與e美國戰事再度爆發,e台灣迅速起義與北台連結的全羅南道,阻擋e美國進攻。
2. e澳大利亞在與e智利和e印尼猜忌之下與CoT無緣,並控告e美國總統背叛,目前已遭e智利和e印尼NE,有亡國之虞。
3. e智利將重回亞太瓜分資源以對抗e阿根廷。
4. e大陸對e巴西戰事獲勝,並使e巴西勢力退出e亞太地區。
5. e台灣盟友的e加拿大對e西班牙局勢不佳,有亡國之虞。




在活動出現前幾小時的神串... = =

For English reader:
《Headline》The disaster of eAustralia
Source 1 [Mr Crumpets 4 CP] A long dark road is ahead for eAustralia: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-mr-crumpets-4-cp-a-long-dark-road-is-ahead-for-eaustralia-2203431/1/20
Source 2 USA insults Australia - Its most trusted friend gets shafte😛 http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/usa-insults-australia-its-most-trusted-friend-gets-shafted-2202807/1/20

The sources are in English, they are well explained. I'm lazy to write it again in English. 😁;

《Pony》(Spoiler) The end of Season 3: Twilight Sparkle's Achievement
Equestria Daily: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/01/ia-ia-twilight-fhtagn.html

According to latest news from Equestria daily. We have acknowledged that Twilight Sparkle will become an ALICORN, which means winged unicorn, and mostly like it will be permenent.

It has made a huge discussion around bronies community. Arguing about if it is good or not. Most bronies are optimism. Because they trust the writer, M.A. Larson, who has written Sonic Rainboom, The Return of Harmony, wrote this episode story. And thinking Twilight deserves her achievement. While this time the bronies with pessimistic view, thinks it will destroy the storyline of Mane6. Because it will be unfair and unbalance to another 5 main ponies. And lead them to another storyline instead of forusing on the friendship. Both have their concern and point of views.

These crews from MLP wanna us stop arguing and don't worry about it. And tell us "just sit down and enjoy it". Anyway, We will know the result on Feb 16.

eAsia-pacific short
1. The war between eROC and eUSA has started again. A RW started at Jeollanam-do, which will stop the war by no common border.
2. eAustralia has failed on diplomacy, and soon will be wiped out by CoT members. They also accused eUSA CP for betrayal.
3. eChile will come back to eAsia-pacific and gain the resources.
4. eChina won the war to eBrazil, eBrazil influence is no longer exist in eAsia-pacific.
5. eROC's ally, eCanada, is under heavy attack by eSpain. They might be wiped out soon.

Paper number #3

Thanks for stopping by and reading.
Pony Fei-She

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