[DoE] Press Release 01/28/2015

Day 2,626, 19:26 Published in USA USA by Department of Citizen Affairs


Hello America,

Secretary Blande returned from vacation rested and ready to go. With this return, the Department is ready to move into new avenues. We are excited for the prospects the future hold.

As we grow closer to the end of the term, it is always important for the Department to take a look back at what has been accomplished and what can be done to improve things in the future. In this regard, Secretary Blande commissioned a review on DoE programs excluding The American University. The highlights of this review will be presented below.

Question of the Day

The Question of the Day program has been functioning excellently this term, with the wait period for receiving rewards often less than 12 hours. The program has seen an increase in responses to 6.5 daily. This program has been a bright sport of the Department and serves as an excellent platform for educating the eUS population.

Even so, more can be done to improve the response to the program. These can be done through more active advertisement of the program as well as a review and rewriting of the daily questions. The Department plans on making this a priority over the next two weeks.


The Department has done an excellent job updating its guide sets this month. At the moment the majority of the guides up on the website have been updated, with strong assurances from department staff that the remaining ones will be updated by the end of next week.

There still remains more than can be done by the Department in this category. There are still some areas of the game which need guides, especially the government area. It is important to have guides on the various government institutions in the eUSA. The Department plans on moving on with this ones we are finished updating the few remaining guides. Look for more on this next week.

DoE Website

An effort has been made to get the DoE website updated, but much work still needs to be done. While most of the website is currently up-to-date, some areas (especially those that require daily updates are still lagging behind. The Department is aware of this problem and is currently looking to hire someone whose job will be to update these areas of the website daily. If you are interested in the job, please contact Blande

With that said, we want to thank you for reading this press release and we will appreciate any suggestions you have for us. You can send those through PM or you can do it in person on IRC in #eUSA-DoE.

Department of Education

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