[dMoD][EBI] 7th week ahead ( Oration )

Day 1,668, 20:14 Published in India India by GouthamKrishnan

Hello mighty eIndians,

This is your proud dMoD speaking on the occasion of the beginning of 7th week of Indian Army. We have passed the barriers of the victory previous weeks. Now we have wars waiting for us ahead. And I would like to give a oration for the all soldiers who is supporting eIndia on its path to victory for this week.

You are about to face upon tough enemies, toward which we have
striven these many months. The hopes and prayers of our people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies on other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the each and every enemies striking us.

We are facing many impossible tasks. But we, eIndians are going to show the world that even the impossible tasks can be made possible by us. Tons of enemy weapons have be destroyed by the men of our Army, who are defending the honour and freedom of our Motherland, courageously beating off the attacks of the bestial enemy and displaying examples of valour and heroism.

When the Indian Army attacked the enemies, they had not properly considered what exactly the Indian Army soldiers was, or the character of our people. Our eIndians are possessed of a firm and determined character and known for their courage . If an enemy attacks our country, then the whole eIndians and our valiant Indian Army fight and continue to fight the enemy mercilessly, wipe out and continue to wipe out the enemy, so that all desire to invade our India will be knocked out of them for all time.

The enemies have forgotten that our soldiers are possessed of an indomitable will for victory. Under the wise guidance of the great army leader, our troops are pressing forward wiping out the enemy hordes. I congratulate the Indian Army men, commanders, and political workers of our nation on the victories until now and wishes for them on victories we are yet going to face. And I am thankful to many newbies like arminder, xordin, gkonduru67,etc who is always ready to fight and active in their work and I am sure they are going to become some of the important persons in eIndia's History

And finally some of my signature words. o7
India's dignity is my dignity, It does not matter if its in Real Life or if its in eRepublik

You people are not players of a game. You are eIndians. You're part of a game which shows an nations respect and power. And i request you that from now on until the end your days in the game, wherever you are, you should consider every eIndian as your friend and help them as much as you can.
----Jai Hind!!!---