[CPF] Into the Brink

Day 2,004, 17:52 Published in Canada Canada by Auk Rest

Greetings members of Canadian Progressive Front, I was bestowed yesterday with the gift of being your Party President for a fifth term, and I thank everyone who went out and voted in the Party Presidential election, may the CPF remain strong! But now, it is time to get to business and my inaugural address a Party President


Congress Elections

Congress elections are in 9 days, and there is still a chance that we will have a Congress, so in order to remain prepared in the event that we do have one, I have a questionnaire for all members interested in Congress to fill out before they are placed on the Congressional roster. Answer the following questions in a private message to me and I will read and decide in which order you will go on the roster.


1) Why are you running for Congress?
2) What areas would you like to be focused on in Congress?
3) Do you have any ideas on what you want to pursue while in Congress?
4) Do you have an eCanada forum account?

Census and Moose Calls

Recently the CPF Census was sent out to the membership. You should have received a message with a link to the census inside, and if not, the link can be found in the Moose Call. If any member still has problems finding the link, send me a message and I will send the link to you personally.

The census will last for two days and allow me to get a better picture on what’s going on with the membership and allow me to formulate a plan moving forward. I will be taking the information gleaned from the census very heavily, so I encourage all members to fill it out. Once the census results are collected, your new Moose Calls for May-June will be distributed. Dozzer has already kindly volunteered to help out together Moose Call I.

The Praetors?

Did you know that the CPF has an associated military unit? It’s called the Praetors, and yes it’s supposedly still functioning. After the MU competition is finished I will look to try and promote the Praetors more, expect more updates as time goes on.

Media Coverage

Since I was Spokesman of the Party under Dozzer’s party presidency, I’m looking for someone new to fill the role of Spokesman. Your job is to update the public on the CPF and come forward with any announcements the Party might have. Please contact me for more details on this position. I will also announce that I personally will be publishing weekly updates to keep members in touch.

IRC Meeting and Forums

Once Moose Calls have been distributed, I plan on coordinating with everybody to set up a date and time for a party wide IRC meeting. All members will be encouraged to come to this meeting so that party affairs can be discussed in an open format. The date and times will be decided later, and I will be sure to update everyone on that. The CPF Rizon IRC channel is #nCPF. Link to IRC

I’d also like to announce to members that the CPF yes does have a forum, now located on the eCanada forums. I encourage all members to sign up and join the conversation. Link to forums

CPF Clinic

Final details with the CPF clinic are still being sorted out right now, but soon the Clinic will be completely operational. Original article here. Any player who needs food for the war effort can comment below and receive supplies based on the giveaways detailed in the original article.

Thanks for your time!
-Auk Rest
Party President

The CPF is a party that welcomes everyone who cares about a responsible, accountable and positive government. There are many opportunities available for newer players, so please, consider joining the Canadian Progressive Front!
Join us!
IRC is #nCPF
Visit us on the forums!
CPF Wiki Page
Get involved! Contact your Party President!
New player? Ask questions! Send me a PM!

The Tenets of the Canadian Progressive Front
1. Uphold the equality of all active Military Units
2. Make the accounting of government funding more open and important
3. Ensure Canada is a reliable and selfless ally
4. To respect, recognize and uphold the supremacy of the mechanics of the game
5. Develop a positive political sphere
6. Bring in Canadians to eRepublik
7. To encourage growth and stability to the eCanadian economy