[CAF] The Victories Continue

Day 1,001, 12:02 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian National Defense

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Day 1000 will be remembered for many things. Some will recall the expectance of a “1k” bug that would destroy eRepublik. Others will remember how utterly disappointed they were with the “gifts” by the admins (25% more gold anyone? No? How about some badges?). But some, particularly eCanadians, will remember when the events page was filled with “Britishregionname was conquered by Canada in the war versus United Kingdom.”

Before the eyes of the Brits (who just so happened to be sleeping) Scotland fell. Soon after Trondelag, another one of their prized Norweigian possessions, fell to Canada. Then, to top it all off, East Midlands also succumbed to eCanada.

The British world was in flames. Meanwhile, the CAF IRC channel was filled with the cheers of CAF soldiers who contributed a great deal to the crushing of the British forces.

Throughout the night the CAF soldiers piled into IRC, all eager to slaughter some Redcoats and, of course, get some high Quality weapons. Because of the large number of battles at hand, some gold was being passed around as well, allowing our men to fight many more times and more effectively.

The first target given to us was Scotland, as it was going to be the first battle to end. CAF soldiers loaded up the battlefield, and to our surprise, found a group of Spaniards already making gains on the UK resistance. We cheered them on as we eagerly awaited the command to deploy. The Spanish bashed off a wave of defenders while taking minimal casualties.

The orders were given.

Within moments the battlefield had started swarming with members of the Canadian Armed Forces. Chaos broke loose as fierce battles took place between Canadians and Phoenix tanks. However, we were still pushing hard for the capital which was placed across a river. Strong support from EDEN and our Bro's down south allowed for a driving push to be made, but the Phoenix helicopters soon exploited a gap behind our lines. Like a virus, they started spreading. Once a sea of red, there was suddenly large amounts of blue popping up.

An effort to plug the gap was made. Using the new deployment rule, vast numbers of CAF soldiers redeployed from the front lines back to the gaping hole that was quickly spreading. A valiant push was made and the hole was plugged.

Meanwhile, back at the front lines, the CAF, Spaniards, and Americans made a final push to take the capital and win the battle. Dozens of Brits were slain in the massacre the followed.

Scotland Was Ours. 1 down, 2 to go.

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Scotland was ours and the next target given to us was Trondelag.
We expected heavy resistance in that battle as well, but we were shocked when we discovered that there was only a few enemy units on the entire battlefield. Soldiers started deploying, and as a soldier named Belateddeath put it, the red dots were popping up “faster than chicken pox.”

An epic comparison that was, but it was entirely true. We quickly overran the battlefield.

We had succeeded in taking 2 regions from the UK in one night, but the night wasn’t over. One last battle awaited us: East Midlands.

The Crimsons were already fighting with the what remained of the Phoenix defenders. Phoenix tried to hold onto the bridge that protected their capital, but more and more CAF troops started deploying, and soon Phoenix found itself in a hopeless position. Tiles were flipped. The capital was taken.

The CAF IRC channel erupted in happiness and cheers, but it didn’t take long for someone to point out the messages that popped up on eRepublik.

“Wales and East of England have been attacked.”

Well, I know where the CAF will be on Day 1001. How about you?

Actually, we've already won Wales. The eUK retreated before we really got a shot at it. Seems like someone is afraid of us getting a border with London.

Want to get in on the action and fun? How about some free weapons? Then you should the CAF today! Click here to sign up!

Written by Armour144