[BBB] MoFA Comic | GEF News | Learn how to get a bigger e-penis!

Day 1,192, 15:11 Published in Germany Germany by KTTRS

Zu Anfangs des Artikels möchte ich aus aktuellem Anlass die Anfeindungen und Vorwürfe, die ein gewisser Bonco Dronnie in die eWelt streut, als abstrus zurückweisen und will klarstellen, dass ich keine Frau bin.

Nachdem die offizielle MoFA-ORG im Moment gebannt ist, weil ich mein ganzes Multigold damit gewaschen habe, gibt's den "offiziellen" MoFA-Bericht zur aktuellen Situation hier in meiner Zeitung und das alles als Polandballcomic!
Tja da kann der Balkanbote wohl nicht mehr mithalten 😛 Hier ja diesen Balkanboten (click here) meine ich, unbedingt unsubben!

Comic (klicken zum vergrößern):

sad but true ;_;

Die GEFickten News betreffen vor allem meine Einheit und sind deshalb auf Englisch.

derpmonts fail:

derpmont failed his last BH-hunt. Only the day after I found out that it was actually my fault 😛

The shocking IRC log:

[00:57] i plan to fight in Saxony then
[00:58] for next round
[00:58] ok great 😛
[00:58] you provide some tank ? 😛
[00:58] sorry no😁 I didnt even give them to my unit today 😛
[00:58] ok understand
[00:58] :9
[00:58] 😒
[00:58] then i'm looking for BH
[00:59] to recover some gold
[00:59] 😁

Get a bigger e-penis now:

Our beloved Swedefag Nattzor wanted me to write about how much I love penis, I think that's a very good topic for an article, because a penis symbolises extreme manliness. Considering penis, the first thing that came to my mind was of course, how gigantic not only my real, but also my e-penis was. I have an awesome avatar from my times as MoD, I also have a epic signature and am the leader of a pretty cool unit, enough said.

But KTTRS, how can I get a bigger e-penis?

Well you see, that's fairly easy, the only thing you'd have to do is to belong to my unit, this way you could max out your ePenis by over 9000.

What's up with this unit, can you tell me more oh great KTTRS?

Well the GEF is a multinational eliteunit that is a part of the German army. Currently it consists of 16 soldiers with an average e-penis strenght of 2900. Basically people can join when they can hit around 1k damage with a Q5 hit, but still to be allowed they also have to be no complete idiots and can't have problems with any members of the unit. Anyway, if you are interested, just write a message 😛

And what can I do if I do not match the criterias?

Well of course, if you are to weak, there's always our real army, the Bundeswehr(click-to-join) or if you kinda suck and the BW doesn't want you, I can recommend you my friends from the Bad Company (aka. schlechte Kompanie) 😛

Soweit für heute, ich nehm mir mal vor, meine Artikelrate zu steigern und eventuell den zweiten Teil des Januarspecials nächstes Jahr im Januar rauszubringen 😛

edit: Mir ist noch aufgefallen, dass ich in Bayern zur Wahl fürn Kongress aufgestellt bin. Bitte wählen 😁

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