**Article of the Week ( 1910 - 1917 )

Day 1,910, 19:33 Published in India India by GouthamKrishnan

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER WEBSITE : http://themoment.co.nr/

Hello mighty eIndians

The Submissions for Article of The Week for the period of Day 1910 - 1917 has been started and you can submit your articles in the website themoment.co.nr . The submission form is available under the Page "Article of The Week". Your submitted article will be added to the website as soon as possible and will be open for ratings.

Rewards are not yet decided and will be decided soon discussing with certain members. If you wanna help this contest on rewarding the members, you can always donate what you can to me (GouthamKrishnan). I am sure it will be used in a proper way to encourage members.

If you are not aware of the details of the Article of the Week, you can read about it here in my article

As I have said before, any articles from Manifestos to article based on RL Issues can be submitted and will be accepted unless its a Spam Article.

Dont forget to Vote& Subscribe o7

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