[AMP] Statuting

Day 2,771, 13:46 Published in USA USA by Aeriadne

As some of you may or may not know, I was recently elected to Party President of my beloved AMP. It was a close run against BeachBunny in the primary, and I'm glad to say we had one of the most active turnouts in a while for it. Thus far, things have been going swimmingly.

Picture😛 things going swimmingly.

Part of my issue that I've learned over the years is that I set myself up for failure. My eyes get to big for my ambitions, I take on more than I can chew, and I end up not doing any of it for fear of failing at some of it. So this round as Party President, I decided to set myself up for success.

I chose three things to do in the party this month, and do well. The first was to revamp our recruitment and retention programs, a process that is being headed up by greeling as of right now. The second was to increase media presence, and we have the more than capable Senryaku heading up that task along with Synesi and myself. By the way, it's apparently Senryaku's birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAN!!!

Go easy.

Now, the third thing is of the greatest importance to both myself and the party, and it's something that's proven it needs to be addressed in recent times. It hasn't been dealt with for a while, and we've had some recent struggles with it. Hence, it gets an article focus to itself.

It is the AMP's Statute.

No no no, with "t" near the end of it.

As most of you are probably unaware of, the AMP has a statute of guidelines by which we used to organize ourselves by. In it is outlined how we elect congressmen, presidents, party presidents, and go about classifying our daily activities. And this was a very useful document back in the time when parties had more use and in-game function, and when elections and party operation were more stringent.

But simply put, these old notions are outdated and - in some instances - can be rather restricting.

And not the fun kind of restricting either.

In keeping with the AMP's desire to tackle this issue, we have begun to revise the statute. All party members are welcome to participate in this process. This is an exercise in determining our new mode of operation together.

Let's hope it leads to fun places.

You'll be hearing more from me as the month goes on, as well as from other party members. Until then, enjoy the summer fun.