[AMD4CP] More like... AM-Three!

Day 3,085, 18:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by AMD.

Haha, haha, that title was so funny.

Good evening eUK

First of all, apologies for the block of text.

This is simply a quick message to inform you all what many may already know.
I am looking for your support to become the next Country President of the United Kingdom.

This month we will be subjected to another Resource Wars. The first one of these I experienced was shortly after my joining of the game. And I didn't have a clue what was going on. Some say I still don't! But I would beg to differ. In that time I have served as 2x CP and a multiple time Minister for Foreign Affairs. This is a very tough role at times.
Now. It is absolutely true we need someone experienced to lead our country into the Resource War and beyond.

I would say now that I have the experience needed. I have been CP twice, I have served as the MoFA under many mandates and administrations. And the last month I have made a multitude of deals and negotiations towards stabilising the future of this country.

I have negotiated several training wars this month in preparation of the upcoming Resource Wars, the details of which will be released very shortly from the MoFA org for all of you to be made aware of what will be taking place.

I have been in contact with potential alliances about our joining, and I am delighted to say that we have several favourable options which I will be open to discussing and pursuing in my term as president.

I have brought you these training wars, please allow me to lead you in them, and fulfill my role and duty to all of you!

A more detailed departmental manifesto and a cabinet article will follow.

A vote for me is a vote for stability.

Anyone interested in serving in my cabinet, do not hesitate to PM!

o7 eUK

Aaron Mark Daniels, WRP Party President and Minister of Foreign Affairs
This Broadcast was Brought to you by...
Aaron Mark Daniels, MoFA

Nec Timeo Nec Sperno! - I neither fear nor despise!

Self Appointed Saviour of the eUK!: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/2528762/1/20

Regal Duke of Malvern and Viceroy of the Worcestershire Palatinate

Soldier in the Nifty Regiment of the British Armed Forces

Party President Of The Worker's Rights Party


And above all, Friend

"The only leading candidate that hasn't stolen the treasury!" - Fataliix, 2k16