Админите ме Репнаја

Day 1,769, 06:06 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Mamiceto seljacko

Ако сака некој да ми излезе во пресрет во овје тешки еДенови би му бил благодарен.....

По големиот број пријави што ги добив админите решија да ме банираат на 2 дена и да ми пратат порака дека сум имал мулти, мада тоа не е точно и немам МУЛТИ!!! сем Kanopy 😛.

Па кога нема како да казнат ме казнија минусирана сметка во вкупниот износ на мојте досегашни позајмици.

Би ви бил благодарен ако пуштите по нешто за пукање и грицкање а парите ке се обидам сам да ги вратам еве и СС да видите


Фала до:

draever has transferred 1000 Food to your storage.
Tetrapak 1907 has transfered 10 Gold to your account.
kiko19972.4chan has transfered 2670.6 MKD to your account.
Blagojcee has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
Blagojcee has transferred 7 Weapons to your storage.
Blagojcee has transfered 100 MKD to your account.
Flash03 has transferred 200 Food to your storage.
mkdfighter123 has transfered 100 MKD to your account.
Flash03 has transferred 7 Weapons to your storage.
mkdfighter123 has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
Flash03 has transferred 45 Food to your storage.
Flash03 has transferred 1 Weapons to your storage.
Flash03 has transfered 100 MKD to your account.
aquaMKD has transferred 117 Food to your storage.
Jurukov has transferred 344 Food to your storage.
thekoki has transfered 1 Gold to your account.
Ordan Piperkata has transfered 200 MKD to your account.
Marko662233 has transfered 500 MKD to your account.
Ordan Piperkata has transfered 0.3 Gold to your account.
Zombinho has transferred 500 Food to your storage.
Zombinho has transfered 200 MKD to your account.
Vlado Raspaskovski has transferred 100 Food to your storage.
Mr maximuss has transfered 470 MKD to your account.---- covekot koj me pcue nonstop
Mr maximuss has transferred 47 Weapons to your storage.--- i pak me opcu so stil 😃
mac3donia has transfered 3000 MKD to your account.
Kostaplers help me out with 40 000 CC
