A bittersweet return, an uncertain future

Day 6,006, 15:15 Published in Belgium Brazil by mEd de Leeuw

"Returning" after a decade is quiet harsh. I logged in just out of nostalgy and curiosity but I couldn't resist to check everyone's profile, the wikis, the parties etc.

I found my e-country filled with new faces but the absence of old friends, now dead citizens, pinched my heart.

I've seen some familiar nicknames, still alive or resurrected and to them I say thank you for making our E-country survive a little a bit.

To all my dead comrades, thank you for everything.

I am unsure I'll stay, but feel free to help if you feel like it in the meantime 😊

To the new citizens, cherish your time on eRepublik, try to go above and beyond the game aspect and try to build something. Make this place your home for a little while and make friends along the way.
