IRC Basics

Day 1,148, 01:40 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Education

-== CONTENTS ==-
- Introduction
- Setting up an account
- Connecting without registering
- Basic Commands
- Some common acronyms
- Additional Tips

Most of us have heard of IRC, and a big part of us are using it right now, but there are some who do not know about IRC, or how to get on never mind use it. This basic guide to IRC will help get your feet wet.

This guide is aimed at helping eSA citizens join our national channel using an online client called Mibbit. First thing to do is to register an account at Mibbit. You don’t need to register, but it would make your IRC life a lot easier by automating most of your tasks.

Register a Mibbit account
To register click on “Create An Account” after following this link:

Register your Nickname
Once you’ve created an account, use it to log in. On the home page, select “Rizon” from the server list, enter your chosen nickname in the provided box, and then click “GO”.

So now you're on IRC for the first time, on the Rizon network. This is where a majority of players interact. To protect your nickname from being used by others, you can register it. Any time you ever use a command with a password, make sure you're not typing them in a channel. Use the Rizon tab. You don't want to screw up a password command in a public channel, trust me.

Keep in mind that your IRC name can't have spaces. Double check you spelled your email address correctly before sending. Use this command to register your nickname:
/msg nickserv register password email

Now go to the email Rizon sends, you'll have a code. Copy that code (Ctrl+C), and come back to IRC and use this comman😛
/msg nickserv confirm confirmationCode

After this, each time you log onto IRC you identify yourself with this comman😛
/ns identify password OR /nickserv identify password

If you need to discuss something sensitive/confidential with another player, be sure to check if it’s really them by using the following comman😛
/whois username

Extra Settings
Once you have registered a mibbit account, you can go into the ACCOUNT page and add an entry to the server list. Doing this will auto join the server when you connect to mibbit. Use the following details:
Nick: yourusername
Pass: yournickpassword
Auth Metho😛 NickServ
CharSet: UTF-8

Remember to click “SAVE AND CLOSE”

You can also add a channel that you want to join automatically at login. Go to the “CHANNELS” page and add an entry. For example:
Channels: #esouth_africa,#eSAAF
Autoconnect: ticked

For those that do not want to register an account or a nickname, you can join quickly by using the following link:
[url=irc://]eSA IRC CHANNEL[/url]


Joining Channels
In order to join a new room, use the join command, /j. Try this:
/j #esaaf
Keep in mind, you can be in more than one room at a time.

Regaining your username / Killing your ghost
So what happens if you get disconnected, but when you reconnect it says your name is already in use? Here are the commands to kill your 'ghost' and re-identify your nickname:
/ns ghost username password
/nick username
/ns identify password

Grouping Usernames
Now, what if you wanted to use username|AFK as an alternate name, while still having a registered nickname? Group it:
/nick newusername
/ns group originalusername password

You can have many grouped names, and they expire 90 days after last use on Rizon. Use this to see all your grouped names:
/ns glist

Miscellaneous Commands
To emote something in this channel, use the following comman😛
/me doessomething…
EXAMPLE: /me slaps Joseph_Rich around with a Q5 Sandwich will print:
*SuperSlax slaps Joseph_Rich around a bit with a Q5 Broccoli Sandwich

Changing your nick:
/nick newnickname

To Private Message someone in the channel, click on their name, and then click “PM”. You could also just use the following comman😛
/msg personsnickname message

Custom quit messages:
/quit BBL, gone to make me a Q5 sandwich

A lot of people use acronyms for commonly used words or phrases. Here is a couple to help you understand what’s going on.

LOL – Laugh Out Loud
ROFL – Rolling On the Floor Laughing
LMAO – Laughing My Ass Off
FYI – For Your Information
BRB – Be Right Back
BBL – Be Back Later
AFK – Away From Keyboard
BTW – By The Way

-Some people post links that contain spam or may even lead you to a harmful site. If you do not know the person, don't click on the link. If you are unsure, ask one of the admins/ops.
-DO NOT EVER accept a DCC Chat!

Now that you know how to get on IRC and what commands to use:

Director of Education