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ვყიდი ექაუნთს

1 Día 2,754, 03:46 Publicado en Georgia Georgia Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

მომწერეთ პირადში

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National Party of eNigeria - Crixus Ganicus elections

6 Día 2,387, 10:08 Publicado en Nigeria Nigeria Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

Citizens of e-Nigeria,

Election day is comming and you chose the fate of your country.

Our plan:

*Indoor politic
-Establish healthy income for countrty bank via taxes.
-Provide weapon and food factories with … leer más »


16 Día 2,380, 16:13 Publicado en Nigeria Nigeria Debates y análisis político Debates y análisis político

So, Is this really how you wanna play ?!?!?
You already started destroying this country, shame on you + report for all.

[img][/img] … leer más »

National Party of eNigeria - combo giveaway 5 Q7wep + 500 well

17 Día 2,380, 06:54 Publicado en Nigeria Nigeria Entretenimiento e interacción social Entretenimiento e interacción social

Dear fellows Nigerians,

It is my pleasure to stand in front and present you National Party of eNigeria

Let me just make clear, we didnt come … leer más »

Srbija VS. Čile

99 Día 2,353, 10:59 Publicado en Serbia Serbia Órdenes de batalla Órdenes de batalla

Браћо и сестре

Сведоци смо опасности која нам је пред вратима

Као што је већина вас већ упозната, сутра нам долазе падобранци из Чилеа,
пуни себе и охрабрени бонусом х2 из мисије, кр
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