Day 2,105, 04:57 Published in India India by Broken1

The YUUVA dispatch is finnally fixed...

It will be up tomorrow. This is the new way dispatch will roll. The q7 will be given but when we cannot afford q7 when they are like 12-13cc or more... there will be food given out to fill the whole. This free energy is for people who need it. Not to resell in the market. Depending on our stock of health, the health amount will range from 100 to 500 health. This number also depends on the number of people asking for dispatch.

Dispatch will start tomorrow, starting with q7.


And I know a lot of you are like

WTF happened to the Congress elections. Nothing to vote for!!! Since India has no territories we will not be having congress elections. Who to blame it on? This is mainly Croatia's fault because they always make deals and then break them.