YouTube Likes + Subscribe = Easy CC !

Day 3,068, 09:29 Published in Hungary North Macedonia by DonMak

Hello friends,
(If you have done this through Voters Club you cannot do it again, I keep a track of latest subscribers.)

I'll be simple in this one, I'm going to give 200CC to everyone who Subscribes my youtube account and likes my videos (8 videos).


You need to subscribe my account and like all the videos in it, 8 videos. After u r done with that please message me on erepublik either with your youtube account name or like number and etc or you can leave a comment.

Please note that I might be sleeping or busy or away and might not send the donations right away, but you will get them for sure. As proof I have my last article where I gave away 29,000 CC on the Contest.

I'm expecting your messages ! 🙂