Your December Department of the Interior

Day 1,116, 19:58 Published in USA USA by USA Department of the Interior

The Department of Interior is the executive department in charge of all things citizen affairs. Talking to them, reaching to them, even supplying them. The main goal of the DoI is to enrich our nation by helping new players be able to fight and keeping new faces circulating through our community.

The department is an extremely prestigious organization, housing dozens of volunteers, an array of programs, and a decent fund from Congress. The DoI is often one of the first things to touch a new player, and is sometimes that player's key to entering the American political realm.


Secretary of the Interior: Blank Keating
Picked by the President when elected (or announced beforehand), the Secretary is the head of the department and the overseer of the deputies and program directors, making sure they all function as intended, and a liaison to other departments.

Deputy Secretaries of the Interior: ligtreb and Dan Heylin
Picked by the President or the Secretary, the deputies basically have all the oversight of the Secretary, often watching over a sector of the programs both leadership wise and staff wise.


Meals on Wheels (Director: Shada Aeon)
A prestigious Interior program, MoW is one of the USA's longest running aid program. Anyone under level 20 can message them once a week to get 80 health worth of free food. This program is especially helpful to those who get stuck with low health and no money, who can contact MoW through the New Citizen Help form. It is left in the capable hands of Shada Aeon and Pearcey333.

Community Development Program (Director: Mnbhayes)
The CDP's job is to send messages to all new players, directing them to places of interest like the New Citizen Help Form and the Dept. of Education Information Web. Mnbhayes will be retaining the director position.

REACH (Director: Dave Richards)
REACH's job is to go to social networking sites like Facebook and Digg and spam links to eRepublik to grow the country more. Volunteering in this program is a good way to try and net a Society Builder medal and help the US significantly grow at the same time. Dave Richards will be heading the spamtastic endeavor.

Mentor Program (Director: The Sensei)
Loaded with congress types and friendly volunteers, the Mentor Program is called to action whenever a new player asks for one while filling out a New Citizen Help form. The mentor experience can last one message or weeks. The Sensei will be retaining his position.

Flying Unicorn Squadron (Director: Bobboy10)
The FUS's job is to get new players to the high population states, primarily when they sign up in a Polish region or a foreign region in danger of being lost. With tickets and regions being changed all the time, FUS is a distribution program that never gets old. Bobboy10 will be heading up the squadron.

Human Resources (Director: Animis)
HR is a simple program that pulls the names of those that fill out the Government Job Interest form and makes sure they're not Serbians and then finds a program for them to work in.

Mass Messaging Team (Director: Athanaric)
Athanaric's mass messing team informs new and intermediate players of important events that don't appear visibly as they unfold, such as an important battle being fought overseas or a PTO attempt in a party.

How Can I Contact You?

Government Job Interest Form: Get a job in the Department of Interior and help your country!

New Citizen Assistance Form: Request tickets, food, and/or a mentor from the fine people listed above.

I hope to have a great month with this department 😁 and give the gift of retention to the eUS this holiday season

Until next time,

Secretary of the Interior