Your Country Needs YOU!

Day 2,182, 00:29 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by lancer450

Greetings fellow citizens,

Today we’re going to talk about the status quo, party recruitment, and how it is hurting our country. Let me be clear, the goal of this article isn’t to say party recruitment is bad. Not at all. In fact, we all realise it is necessary especially if we are to have a populace that is ultimately involved and educated with the issues and problems faced by the eNetherlands today. But, the way in which this is done is the problem.

Everyone knows how it works. Party leaders, across the political spectrum, stalk new players the moment they join eRepublik and pester and pursue them with messages to join their party and claim why their party is better than the others. You get it. It can be a very successful tactic.

Sometimes they are lucky, and once the player joins, a lot of the time the party and its leaders will completely forget about them and move right on to recruit the next new player. While this may boost party numbers, this is, in fact, detrimental to the country overall. We should be stepping up and doing our part to RETAIN these players and help them. We should be involving them and stop treating them like a bunch of numbers. The last thing new players want is to be used as political leverage.

The aim of our party, instead, is to give players a real change: To give them a voice in shaping our country and a say in the destiny of the eNetherlands. New players can offer a lot to our country and they can offer a lot to the Revolution. So when we send out recruitment messages to them, we aren’t going to ignore them or forget about them. If they join, that’s great. Our goal is to help them, help them to navigate eRepublik and succeed the best they can. The more informed and the more involved they feel, the less likely they will go inactive and grow bored and “die.”

The new player needs to look with clear, wide-open eyes and to select an active and engaged political party, one that will welcome them and their respective views and will actively engage with them. We believe that choice is the Dutch Revolutionary Party.

Some may ask if this in itself is a party recruitment article. The answer to that is, yes. But instead of sitting back and ignoring them or simply pestering them to boost our numbers, we wish to offer them a different choice. We are active. We are engaged. We want YOU. We care about you and your views and giving you the power to change the country.

This is just one of the many goals of our party. If you want to be a part of this Revolution and if you want to help the eNetherlands’ community to grow, just join by clicking this link: Click here!

Please vote and subscribe and look forward for more articles to come! 🙂

Thanks for reading,

DRP Vice Party President

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