Your Candidates

Day 462, 04:40 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Scipio The Great

The elections for you congressional representatives are in less than 20 hours. Here is a list of the candidates for each region as representing the Peoples Communist Party and a link to their manifestos. Please read the manifestos and if you have any questions for the candidate for your region don’t hesitate to ask.

Most importantly make sure you vote.

East Midlands - Scipio The Great

East of England - Rastari

London - Jan Baykara and LouisJ

North East - Bob Boblo

North West - Sir Digby Chicken-Caesar and Reckons

Northern Ireland

Scotland - Logamac

South East - ThomasR26

South West

Wales - Lord Kinnersley

West Midlands - EJPayne

Yorkshire & Humberside - Jaden87