Work tax

Day 2,089, 02:43 Published in Ireland Ireland by Liam Tatlock

It's now with us and currently at 18% in Ireland. Surprisingly, there's been little discussion about it so let's try and start one.

On the face of it, this is a tax that's likely to hit the older, more self-sufficient players harder and I'll use myself as an example, as I have no idea how many factories anybody else has.

I have >30 companies (weapons/food factories and raw material sites). The formula is,

Ave. wage x tax rate x number of factories worked in so, for me, that's

24.08 x 18% x 30 = 130 IEP per day (or 4.33 per click)

One argument is that this will see a rise in prices to compensate, but the Irish markets are slow enough as they are and not every has licences to enable them to sell on foreign markets, so where's the benefit to the player?

My response? Stop working in my factories. The floor is open for discussion on any benefits or penalties I've overlooked.