Why it's win to say: "P.E.A.C.E. fail"

Day 671, 12:17 Published in USA Canada by No Idea

This is a response to another Feherlo article.

"I noticed, that after every good battle, where PEACE is not able to achieve victory, that the media is full with "PEACE fail" articles and comments from the citizens of EDEN countries."
-This is true in the recent weeks. (Ontario,California,Asturias,etc)

"Last time, when this mysterious phenomenon occurred was,after those battles, where Hungary lost in Northwest- Croatia and Serbia in Slavonia."
-I wouldn't call it mysterious or a phenomenon because it happens every single time a country wins an important/big battle. It boosts the morale of the winning country and the noobs of the losing country feel bad,angry,etc.

Its fact, we were not able to bring down those walls and it wasn't the first occasion. But hey, when tried to do the same any EDEN country? I help you to remember, the last real action initiated by EDEN was, when smif attacked Podolia during our North-America campaign and managed to conquer that for a short time.
-The last real action was the Podolia attack? Have you been under a rock or something? Canada was taken over completely and with the help of E.D.E.N. forces, Canada is back on the map. The U.S.A. was reduced to a single state but now they have over 30 even after the many setbacks (Colombia and France trying to block). Oh and how can I forget Spain. I guess you forgot about the RW for Asturias.

"Besides this, the only respectable and noble behaviour is the freedom fight of Canada, who never gave up and the nice hits of the EMC division. But this is all."
-Read what I just wrote above.

"Croatia is really loud if its needed, but hey guys, what did you do in the last months? TO-ed Italy, wooh, really brave move to TO a far smaller country. Croatia has activated MPPs against Hungary and Serbia, but you didn't attacked back."
-Oh please. It's not like Hungary hasn't done the same thing as Croatia many many many more times. I guess you forgot that Hungary was trying to TO Canada while they could have helped Italy. Oops.

"Same with Romania. sebahmah wrote many propaganda article, provocating Hungary, but when he attacked us, they cried over the media and the attack was canceled. They are waiting for us to attack and they say if it would happen with their MPP they would push us back to two region again. Nice words, but just words in the wind."
-Romania writes propaganda articles, so does Hungary, so does every country. I fail to see the point.

"So hey, whats the difference? If we attack we would activate MPPs, then they would attack back, activating our MPPs. So all MPPs would be active in any occasion. Why aren't they attack us then, if they are waiting for this war so badly?"
-I dunno. Go ask them.

"And whats the excuse of Croatia? You have active MPPs, PEACE is fail as you say, why don't you attack Hungary or Serbia?"
-Busy trying to actually help their allies get their lost regions back. I guess you wouldn't know anything about helping your allies, eh?

"Okey, dont need to answer, I know that ist very easy, to sit in your country, fighting through MPPs and sending some mobile forces with scary (wooh) skull avatar and writing comments and articles in your opponents' media: "You are failed"."
-You also did this when you conqured Canada/Spain and when you reduced the USA to 1 state. Also ur grammer r fail.

"Thing is, that PEACE is leading this game and EDEN is just following us. Were we failing in some battles? Yes and we will lose battles in the future too, I'm sure. But hey, we are trying to do something and not just waiting for an incoming attack like a worrying rabbit in a hole, who know that the fox is sneaking around her nest."
-P.E.A.C.E. is leading the game but it's slowly losing that role.

"We were failed in some battles, but which is the largest fail? Failing when you try to do something, or not doing anything to avoid failing?"
-The largest fail in my opinion would have to be P.E.A.C.E. 😉

With best regards,

No Idea