whatever happened to my old political party?

Day 2,660, 05:27 Published in USA Argentina by Gessho

all this talk of coups made me wonder what's up with my own current political party, and then i realized that i don't much care. but that made me wonder what happened to my old party that i founded, way back when:

nothing quite like some sweet Asian boobs, amirite?

The All-Nippon Animu Club. I guess it just disappeared in the shuffle with the switch to eRep.whatever-version-we're-at. no biggie. i should have actually sent out those Japanese nudie mags. even Emerick seemed interested.

all the rest of this coup stuff seems fun. it will be interesting to see how it all shakes out. i felt like i could really dig jadiv's article.

// SIGNED //

ps--come back to me, Halfie. we'll run away together and have babies.