What Happened Today? Day 1191

Day 1,191, 01:10 Published in Australia Australia by Tyler96

Hello and welcome to my second edition of my new series please read and enjoy.
South America

Colombia-As was stated in my previous article Indonesia and the Philippines recently made an agreement that Indonesia would get to South America through Philippine regions. Having achieved a border with the South American nation of Colombia through the region of Visayas Colombia was promptly made Natural Enemy yesterday around 11:00 erep time. This led to an attack on the region of Pacifica, which was taken 8-0 by Indonesia yesterday. This had been followed up by an attack into Andina, where Indonesia was also victorious 8-0.

Also pertaining to Colombia, Poland has captured the Mexican region of Southeast of Mexico, and now shares a border with the Colombian region of Caribe e Insular and the Venezuelan region of Central Western Venezuela. With this new acquisition Poland looks set to advance into South America.

Chile- February 20th saw Chile pass New Zealand as their natural enemy for the second time this month. The result was that New Zealand attacked and conquered Zona Sur 8-1 on the 21st of February. Yesterday then saw the New Zealand attack continue into Zona Austral but the New Zealand MoD has published orders that New Zealanders shouldn’t fight in this battle. The 20th- 21st of February also saw peace treaties signed to end the New Zealand-Argentina and New Zealand- Indonesia wars.

Philippines- Continuing on from their capture of Visayas on 20th February Indonesia auto-attacked the Philippine region of Luzon but this was secured by the Philippines (8-4) yesterday I can only suppose that Luzon wasn’t one of the regions the Philippines agreed to hand over to Indonesia and Indonesia directed its soldiers away from the battle. The 21st of February also saw a non-government sanctioned resistance war start in Mindanao by the Indonesian citizen Shinemavi, who may be a medal hunter or something, anyways, the region was secured by Indonesia 8-1.


South Africa- Yesterday saw the region of Western Cape secured (8-4) against Uruguay as part of their ongoing resistance war.

Australia- Chile has just been proposed as Natural Enemy, I believe we’re entering a training war with them but the high-up government types reading this probably know more than me.