Weapon Prices are Falling! [Day 1,489]

Day 1,489, 09:12 Published in USA USA by JmanTizzle
Where The Market Stands Today

Q1: .53 (Up 4% from yesterday)
Q2: 1.01 (Up 2% from yesterday)
Q3: 1.58 (Up 6% from yesterday)
Q4: 2.08 (Up 2% from yesterday)
Q5: 2.48 (Down 4% from yesterday)


Q1: 5.30 (Down 2% from yesterday)
Q2: 10.09 (Down 4% from yesterday)
Q3: 15.86 (Down 1% from yesterday)
Q4: 20.88 (Down 5% from yesterday)
Q5: 27.92 (Down 1% from yesterday)

What I Think
The food prices are rising quite fast, 6% for Q3 food? That is a little steep, even though it is only a .09 dollar raise on the price, it can stack up in the long run if you buy Q3 food. I would recommend if you buy the upper quality food, buy Q4 not Q3, but Q5 is going down 4% so stack up on that as much as possible.

Weapon prices are falling! Down 4% for Q2 weapons. The price was 10.44 but now its 10.09! That is amazing! Q4 weapons are down from 21.99 to 20.88! I mean, that is just an amazing price, get as much of these weapons as you can, but for the Q3 and Q5, I would wait and see if they fall any farther.

I would really love some feedback from you guys, it would mean a lot to me. Tell me about what you think will happen or if you wish the price of food would drop, tell me about if this paper has helped you at all.
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