Vote Free Liberty! Wise Improvements & the Safety of Experience & Vigilance!

Day 2,317, 03:31 Published in Norway Norway by Akashaton

Vote for Free Liberty, a safe vote, for a bright future!
Two of our candidates are former Norwegian Presidents! (CP's)

#1: Akashaton
#2. IngCognito
#3. Mendel (He was CP, back in 2008, before we got CP medals)

Our, basically, two man, army, MU. Liberty of Loki. (LoL)
Just awarded eNorway whit a Great National Shild, and a hefty sum of Gold!

Join the Liberation & the Fun!
All are Welcome!
Vote for, and join our freedom loving traditional party!

Our Agenda:
We will do our utmost to implement Freedom and Fairness to all,
old and new!
Try to lower our Taxes to a reasonably low level!
Do what we can to safeguard our National treasury!
Strengthen the bonds to our Asgard Brothers as well as all our other
good allies and friends!
And be Vigilance, against any PTO treats!

Join Free Liberty, at the Forum!

A nice picture from my home town! All the wonders we create!

Smaalenene bru, Askim porten!