Vote Black Sheep - Congressional Elections

Day 2,437, 14:26 Published in USA USA by ResouIa

That time of the month has come again! No...not that time. Congressional elections! I'd like to thank everyone who supported The Black Sheep Party in the previous elections- but more importantly, I'd like to ask for your continued support, and if you didn't vote for us last month, I'm here to ask you to consider voting for us this month!

To summarize why I think you should vote for us? The Black Sheep Party puts Country>Party>Self and every action we have taken since getting into congress has been for the benefit of eUSA and its citizens. Last month we gave you the work tax decrease, and this month we held onto that decrease as it was attempted to be taken from you by the same people who refused to give it to you in the first place.

The Black Sheep Party tries to give fair and equal chances to everyone who joins our party wanting to take part in congress (Rather than handpick the elite like some other parties do). Those who have been there awhile get moved to the back of the list, while new blood and new ideas gets put in the front to guarantee that everybody interested has a fair chance at taking part in congress. This rotation is how I personally have been able to experience my first two terms of congress.

There are always many things we'd like to do to help the people of eUSA, but we can't do it without your support. I would hereby ask you to vote The Black Sheep party come congressional elections. We strive to do our best to guarantee a prosperous future for eUSA and its citizens. Once we get the numbers and support we need, we'll finally be able to start pushing a lot harder to enact the changes we need to secure that future. All it takes, is your vote.

Come vote The Black Sheep Party on the 25th and get involved in your government. Give us the power to fight for you. I promise we shall continue to do our very best for you, and thanks to you.

Now on a more personal note, I would like to thank everyone one of you who has voted for us the past two terms and in turn, given me the opportunity to take a direct part in the government and have my voice heard in congress. I'd like to thank you for all your votes and for giving me the ability to take part in all the votes that count towards eUSA's future.

I can honestly say this previous month was not very productive. From the site being down and losing two months of data, to all the in-fighting that occurred, to all the hypocrisy I've seen certain congress members show within the in-fighting. I certainly hope this upcoming term will be nothing like that, but will go back to the progressive pace it was at my original term when we defeated the work tax. I also hope I'll be there in the proceedings again and able to witness this next term while being able to take part in all the voting and do my best to secure a better eLife for all of you.

So once again I personally would like to say thank you for the opportunities your votes have given me. Thank you for your votes, and I hope you come to vote for The Black Sheep Party again on election day.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

The Black Sheep Party