UPC - Losers and Failures Unite!

Day 1,810, 17:07 Published in Canada Canada by Rolo Tahmasee

So, for anyone who's been paying attention there have been many things said about the new and growing United Party of Canada (Mainly that it's many things, but "United" is NOT one of them...)

Taking a look at the Party membership you will see a fine collection of long time eCanadian Losers and Failures, Flip Floppers and Party Hoppers

you'll see the likes of Jefflav, Ardikus V2 (V1 banned for Multi), Toad22, formerly IronToader, Frank139, the list really goes on and on, take a look for yourself

This month they held a Forum Primary for Party President, and the other guy won in game - sounds really organized!

They had two of their losers run for CP - Jefflav and Frank139 - They were even among the first to release actual campaign articles. Both full of fluff as expected, but after calling out the UPC on many occasions I was told that they are NOT a Party of followers

Then I see they supported ElPatoDiablo for CP and I couldnt help but wonder what sort of process they used to determine this, especially since they had 2 Home Grown Candidates...

This was their response

right click - view image

Rolo Tahmasee What does the UPC have to say for itself about not supporting Home Grown Party Candidates? - Jefflav and Frank139 did not sign up for being puppets of the CPF

Ardikus V2 The Party Vote for our Final CP Candidate is not done, EPD has a 1 vote lead over Jefflav.

Rolo Tahmasee Ya, but the candidates locked in last night at daychange, retard...

Rolo Tahmasee What have I been saying about Noobs and Failures? - or was it Losers and Failures? - I can't remember...

In Summary..

Ardukis V2 tells us that the Primary is still going on and isn't finished yet...

Candidates locked in about 17 hours ago...

Losers and Failures till the end it seems....