UK Dictatorship

Day 2,668, 10:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Aleksandar.V Popovic



Well it"s been a while since I"ve wrote something on some subject 😉.
Today I am going to write an article about the Dictatotship.

UK is under Wayne"s Dictatorship and althougth it"s been talking and congress discussing as well as on every UK Party feeds that this Dictatorship led by WayneKerr is catastrophic and that this will damage UK democracy as well as entire UK,such rummers are wrong.Wayne"s Dictatorship meant to be to save UK from invaders and from the threath of PTO from foreign MU"s as well as to keep the citizenry money safe from the thefts of certain group of people inside UK.

The Dictatorship module were introduced by admins a week ago.This meant to be as great news from admins in order to improve this game.As I said above there were discussions,some whisperings from Party to Party,from one unit to another unit,that this module will ruin UK and will wide open for foreign units and certain group of people that they will use UK congressmember by congress pass to let such people in.This was wrong.None of any foreign unit weren"t enter into UK and placed their member as Dictator.Instead of them and I can assure the public that this Dictatorship led by WayneKerr is far more better than any foreign unit which suppose to be and many (feared that it"s gonna happend),but it wasn"t.

WayneKerr is longterm player,strong and hero of UK,skilled and experienced member of UK community and the fear of his Dictatorship not happend.He used this new political module,creating a unit which won Military Coup and authomaticly made it him as a first Dictator of UK.Althougth the Wayne weren"t at the first days of UK Dictatorship,he inheareted the unit from CptChazbeard and Adastros(who hand it over the unit) to Wayne.

After the Country Presidential election which won Huey George longterm PP of WRP,strong,experienced member of UK community and after setting cabinet,not officially as suppose to be,becouse of this new module Wayne as Dictator had been set the cabinet from his enviroment and the people to whome he trust.
This news created an troumendous echo to the public and as above said there were rummers that he is going to harm UK,that he will be the worst ever Dictator of UK.Wayne has right to appoint cabinet,to propose the countless laws,to choose people from his unit or from various Parties in UK and people in whome he trust in order to secure UK citizenry from inviders.

As above written there weren"t rummers that he will ruin democracy and be the one and only ruller of UK.Wayne weren"t like that as he only used the game mechanics by wining Military Coup and were set it as a Dictator.He invested in his unit a great deal of money in order to full fill the task from admins.Probably this new module made it by admins aren"t the best,becouse it will ruin democracy in all eCountries.The future elected congressmembers wont be able to propose or to vote for certain ammount of laws,such as:
-MPPs with allied countries
-citizenry "Welcome message"
-issue money
-donations from the Country account to the Goverments
-declaring wars,etc

Many in eUK feared that with this new module will be "good bye democracy,welcome autocracy",as well as that all decisions,such as setting DO"s COTD"s and CO"s,declaring wars,financial updates of current stance of UK economy,keeping money into Treasury,etc,will be made from Dictator,becouse that will ruin economy and will weak the country military and political power.

Althougth this is unusuall situation for UK as democratical country,that democracy wouldn"t stay here anymore,the democracy is still here alomgside with this new political and military module.The Dictator Wayne is for UK not against,he protects UK from inviders,keeping her safe.Also the various organisations which owns the Dictator stays with the Dictator and only will be given to the Country President of disposal on request of the Country President in order that CP cabinet/elected Goverment operate on the right way and with consistency and for the use of publishing and releasing articles(MoD,MoFA,MoHA),by keeping public informed.This situation might sound as a danger for all future Dictators of UK who will trying to destroy UK but for timbeing there aren"t any danger of this current Dictator-Wayne Kerr.

This is all for now falks,stay tuned 😉
The author of this article,the Director of "THE BRITISH GUARDIAN"
Aleksandar-Alex V.Popovic