Tutorial DO

Day 2,545, 13:51 Published in Nigeria United Arab Emirates by vieja29

This Tutorial is dedicated to all the commanders of the military units that are based in countries that do not have regions or MPPs have signed

In addition to daily order put in the battles of allies (countries that MPPs is signed) can put the DO in non-allied countries. How can we do it? It is very simple!

We are going to the display of the military unit and we move to the end of it, there are the priorities of the battles.

We do click on the button that says set priorities battle

Moves us a list with 5 options, where we have 2 item in each of the priorities, as you can see in the screenshots below.

The first item is for or against that country want to fight. for example, the 1st priority that is shown in the image above the DO will be in Nigeria and we will fight for Nigeria. on the second item, we'll fight against Greece. We move the 2nd item list and appear us the countries that are in the game, choose the countries that deceamos help.

Once complete the priorities we click on the green button that says change priorities, will get a green sign that says that the priorities have been changed .

We go to the initial page of the game and we see that is changed ah or have the DO in one of the battles that we fight

Ready we have the DO! This step so you can do the times that you want!

I hope that them beyond been useful this tutorial!

Invitation to register and participate in the Nigeria Forum, with just doing clik in the image

President of the political party Nigerian Military Party
commander of Nigerian Military Forces