TOURNAMENT STARTS - where are womens !!

Day 2,470, 11:21 Published in Croatia Argentina by darkwoodBH

Nastavljamo sa dobrim razlozima za pisanje članaka
Moram na svaki članak dobiti barem po 25 komentara za mala 3 golda.

A što se mora nije teško. 🙂

Turnir počinje sutra, mnogi ga neće igrati jer PLATO nije dao nagrade za igrače nego za MU-ove a u njima naravno ima i žena 😃
Stoga sam odlučio napraviti malu anketu što kažu žene 😃

We continue with the good reasons for writing articles
I need to get each article at least 25 comments on a small 3 gold. [/ b]

And you must not difficult. 🙂

The tournament starts tomorrow, many will not play it because PLATO did not give prizes for the players than for MU's in them, of course there are women: D
So I decided to do a small survey that says women: D

Amerikanke kažu da su spremne ali nisu 100 % za turnir.
American women say they are ready but not 100% for the tournament.

Očito Makedonke znaju kako se treba boriti 🙂 Samo naprijed.
Obviously Macedonian women know how to fight 🙂 Go ahead.

Chileanke kreću u niskom startu !!! Pazite se !!!
Chilean range in the low start !!! Beware !!!

Zene u BIH su odradile pripreme i spremno daju like 😃 svima.
Women in BiH have done the preparation and readily offer like: D everyone.

Za kraj boduju se samo killevi.
In the end, scored just KILLS.

Tnx for reading, and if you can putt comments on article.