Top Fighter

Day 2,176, 06:36 Published in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia by I-G-D

Hey everyone.

What else to say…? I finally did it. I got the Top Fighter medal, and now I have all the medals. Why am I writing this article? Because this is a huge thing for me mostly because I’ve invested 0 Euros and bought 0 bars… And I’ve been going for this medal for almost two whole years. It got implemented on November 24th, 2011, and I got it today, on November 4th, 2013. Here’s your proof that getting this medal is possible. When I started hunting it everyone told me I was crazy and that I’d never have it. Well, here it is. It’s not so impossible now, is it?

This is also a huge honor because of the fact that I’m the first eArab to get it. This is the first time that an eSaudi or eEgyptian citizen has that medal. But yeah, I did it… I have all the medals. What’s next? Waiting for some new medals to get added, so I can get more challenges. This was a fun experience.

I wrote down all the dates when I got into the Top 100 during these two years. Have a look :

1: 19.12.2011.
2: 31.01.2012.
3: 08.03.2012.
4: 16.04.2012.
5: 28.06.2012.
6: 04.08.2012.
7: 14.09.2012.
8: 18.10.2012.
9: 15.11.2012.
10: 02.12.2012.
11: 31.12.2012.
12: 02.02.2013.
13: 02.03.2013.
14: 03.04.2013.
15: 05.05.2013.
16: 26.05.2013.
17: 05.07.2013.
18: 07.07.2013.
19: 02.08.2013.
20: 05.08.2013.
21: 16.08.2013.
22: 01.09.2013.
23: 08.09.2013.
24: 06.10.2013.
25: 08.10.2013.
26: 10.10.2013.
27: 14.10.2013.
28: 21.10.2013.
29: 27.10.2013.
30: 03.11.2013.

Besides that, my good friend, Crazy Hospy, also got his Top Fighter today.

We started intensively going for it at the same time, so we wanted to finish it at the same time as well, and mark that day as the day we both get our medal. This proved to be a challenge, but luckily, we were able to overcome all obstacles and get our medals.

So now we are both going to celebrate. Everyone who writes a comment gets 3 Q7 tanks and 150 Q1 food. Shout so more people can see. Voting the article is also helpful.