To all citizens of eWorld

Day 1,024, 07:52 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina USA by misteriosa
Dear citizens of eBiH and eWorld,

first of all, I'd like to thank you all for great fights yesterday. I sincerely enjoyed them completely, the first battles of v2 I loved, despite all the bugs, idiotic admin calculations, etc.. Painting tiles, killing, getting killed... Awesome 😃 Thank you all for a great experience, and of course, big thanks to everyone that helped us liberate the regions 🙂 \o/

I'd like to invite you all for some cakes today, to fill us up with sugar and energy for next great battles that are about to happen.

They might not be as great looking as the ones from Mirza965’s article, but at least mine are homemade, fresh and delicious 😛

I’d also like to use this occasion to wish Eid Mubarak to all muslim players, enjoy this glorious holiday, and have fun 🙂

Many greetings to you all,