Tiempo al tiempo / Give them time...

Day 1,059, 03:55 Published in Spain Spain by saik
The intention of this article is not to offend eR staff, as a wed designer i know how difficult is to keep running a site like this. My inention is to make people smile and enjoy eRepublik a little bit more

English below

Banda Sonora para OutSmarter (y para todos) | Music
Abrelo en otra ventana | Open it in a new window

*Si no ves bién la imágen, prueba con click derecho y ver imágen.
*If you cant see it properly, right click & view image,

This article was inspired by Nanotik...also is dedicated to him.


imagen en 500px

Tambien podeis firmar esta open letter en contra de las modificaciones en el modulo de prensa