The war that has to take place...

Day 2,132, 02:35 Published in South Africa Norway by Enriche2Ribeiro

I breathe in deep realizing that there is no escape, war is inevitable. The battle I am about join will not be for rank or recognition; it will be for the land I love. I have been preparing for this battle trying to avoid it at all costs but my county’s sovereignty is at stake. The people I represent are relying on me, to do what is necessary to win this war at all costs.

We as a nation have been hit from all sides and the attack is strong, but eSouth Africans have got another weapon to use. Passion. Our parents have taught us from a young age that we are great and mighty and if we fight for what we believe we will always succeed. This passion to see our small nation free and united is a force to be reckoned with. Our leaders know this all to well. As I look down at my group all ready to use this passion against our enemy.

I breathe deeply as I check to see if all my armor is fastened and secure. Give my badge a final polish. Grab my weapons see if there clean and loaded. The noise from around me is deafening yet all I hear is my heart beating and the silent prayer of my fellow countryman. eSouth Africa needs to prevail in order for us to succeed. There is no other option.

Racing through my mind are images of my family. My beautiful wife (longing for me to return safely), my daughter and baby son (running with smiles to greet me). This is the reason I need to, no, have to succeed. I silently pen a letter to my family hoping that Claudio Kilgannon of SMUT will be able to get this letter to my family. Now, I ready for the battle as the time approaches.

I bow my head in silence and say a quiet prayer
“Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another.”
Nelson Mandela

Ready I stand to attention, grab my briefcase and enter the boardroom to discuss the rental agreement with Argentinean Ambassadors and foreign affairs minister. It begins…
