The Pirate Wedding

Day 3,138, 06:37 Published in Switzerland Israel by Black Coyote

Today ye invite ya all sea dogs and bloody lubbers t' grand pirate weddin!

Blalckbeard00 and his beauty Frida K are gettin' married.
They met not so long ago, on t' Carribean, where t' witch cast spell upon him and took his hearth for her own, aye!
But t' heart was made o' ice and it was meltin' in her hands, so they moved aft in Switzerland, where they cruised t' Alps`s glaciers.

Long story short, they decided this will be t' day they shiver each others timbers, and made me their priest, godfather and bartender, arrrr!

So each o' ye gets this letter

but first admire our own scurvy stamp seal

Ye promise ya cake


good table decoration

and me own cocktails, aye!

If ye not pirate, we can help 😉
Ye take lill from ya handy

and fix ya real good, aye.

T' weddin' will be today in 10erep time, in me hearty pirate tavern

Victims list so far: 1
Javier Miguel tried t' steal Frida K this mornin', but captain`s fury caught t' soul o' this reckelss man.

After t' weddin' party we`ll send them t' t' old love cabin from where they will rock t' ship while we place t' new jolly roger.