The PEACE GC Strikes Back

Day 603, 15:55 Published in USA Brazil by Dio Jazar
Slowly I crawled back artillery shell had put a huge crater in the ground, just a few meters away, landing me flat on my back. I grabbed my binoculars to take a quick snapshot, shot a flare into the sky and sounded the retreat for my unit. Almost having reached our target, we had suddenly been pushed back by some great invisible shield. The last time I had seen that must've been in the Western Siberian Region, fighting on the frontlines. But that was ages ago...I shivered.'

""That's one more day we have to stay up here in the North!" I shouted to my comrade Dionysus. He was carying along a Gill, which he had just used to obliterate an enemy tank.

"The transports are leaving in 10" I heared through the voicecom. I recognized the voice of AndreasIsaksson, who was arranging an organized retreat.

Not a problem, I thought while looking over my shoulder. We will be back soon.

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Dear readers,

in a bold move the PEACE Global Community is striking back. A perfect explanation of the reasons behind this war can be found here. Now, many of you have been wondering what the name behind this Operation is. Well, without further ado, I present to you Operation:


"Bringing that large coke and extra French fries straight to your door."

Latest progress
Whilst the battle is raging on at the Eastern Front, the initial attack in Alaska has been fended off. However, I managed to take a quick snapshot of our first target before I was forced into the snow:

This hideous house has been ruining the view of many Russians for years. It has been set as our first priority to take it down.

We won a battle today and we lost a battle today. However, I can assure you, you have seen nothing yet.

To all soldiers, allies, enemies and friends:

I will see you on the battlefield


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Copyright © 2009 'Big Time', 'Za Warudo' All rights reserved
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P.S: Should you not see the magic name, read this.