The Panther Returns

Day 2,696, 09:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by perilouspanther

Dear all,

I have risen from death and am again active. My Newspaper as you may see has changed completely and instead of being Focused around the UKPP I can focus on other matters because of the name and picture that makes the reader's eye immediately catch that my paper is situated along the UKPP. I also wish to remain more neutral and 'The Panther Post' does just that and because of this I may seem much less bias in anything I could write about.

A lot has changed since I left and other than the new updates to the game, such as the 'Dictatorship' option and the 'Endorse' tab on the left, the political status and views have changed much. I mostly think that this is because of the dictatorship option being released but other than this boost, newer members have also influenced the direction of the country which shows that you don't have to be powerful to influence.

At the time that I left there was a Serb PTO that was occurring which created much anarchy within the country and destroyed my beloved UKPP. I remain unsure if the party will ever regain the capability of what it could do before the Serb PTO and I think that the blow has left a scar within the party. For this reason I am considering leaving the group that I have been in for so long.

I hope to keep posting more articles soon.

Good day UK!

The PP